Sunday, April 20, 2008


I need to fix his clothes ,bird and lighting.....etc. but, overall, I like it.


Anonymous said...

사무라이? ^^ 머리 묶으면 코믹 하겠지? said...

hey~ wasup! this is david from background painting class.I think the lion character is very cute. It looks better on the screen than printout.

Young Lee said...

Hey~ David! Thanks~:) Your all works in the background painting were really nice.
How is your break? Hope you're enjoying your break! I should check your blog~!

C.B. Canga said...

really nice work on your blog. keep it up.

Young Lee said...

Oh, Thanks~
I visited your blog,too. Your works are awesome! I love your drawings~.

C.B. Canga said...

no problem.

i appreciate the feedback. looking forward to your next post.

bog_art said...

I like it too.. You have a great blog here!.. I am amazed with your "Speed painting for Vis6- DogFight".. congratulations!..

Young Lee said...

Oh, Thanks~!:) Speed painting class was not easy for me, but I learned a lot. I'm very glad you like my works. Thanks~

Alucard X said...

young lee your all work it's amazing!
very very good,nice color and posing figure!
i think come here more often;)
see ya

bog_art said...

Thanks for your comment in my blog too!!.. Don't forget to post.. =)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

Anonymous said...

너의 작품 세계!! 너무 멋져 영규야~
너가 드디어,,, ㅜㅜ
감격스러워 울컥~한다,,
나도 어서 졸업해서 열매를 맺어야쥐~^^

멀리 떨어져있지만,,^^
같이 기도하자,,

Anonymous said...

영구리 영어수준은 고등학교 수준


난 초딩..

Anonymous said...

My husband mark is way impressed!!! 영규야, 너가 한 작품들 정말 너무너무 멋지고, 영화에 나온다는 상상을 하니 더 재미있다. 너가 내 그림그려줬던거 기억하면 너다운 characters인거 같아. 정말 공부 열심히 했고 outcome은 짱이야!!! 졸업다시한번 축하하고 자주 들러서 볼께. 사랑해...

MondayMorgue said...

Hey Young, your blog is great, nice work! We met briefly at DW when you were presenting your illustrations.

Anonymous said...

영규야, 나 영진이야. 승희한테 얘기 듣고 들어와봤어. 너의 작품들 하나 하나 보면서 얼마나 자랑스러웠는지 몰라. 너의 열정과 꿈이 느껴져서 더욱 감동했던거 같아.
졸업 정말 축하하고 멋진 디자이너가 되길 바란다. 이제 맘껏 날아야지.. 너에겐 비상 뿐이니...홧팅!!

Anonymous said...

영규 멋져!!!!! 나 은숙이..ㅎ

Young Lee said...

고맙다~친구들아~~보고싶구나~ :)

Anonymous said...

yoo.. nice text ))

Thanks :-)

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